Changjong Moon 사진
Changjong Moon
Vice director/Professor



Host-Directed Antiviral Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University


- 2001. 4. – 2004. 3.: Ph.D. in Anatomy, Unit of Physiological Science, Graduate School, University of the Ryukyus School of Medicine, Japan.

- 1998. 3. – 2000. 2.: M.S. in Veterinary Anatomy, Graduate School, Jeju National University, South Korea.

- 1991. 3. – 1998. 2.: D.V.M in Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University, South Korea

Major Experience

- 2016-present: Leader, BK21 Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University

- 2022-present: Associate Editors, Laboratory Animal Research

- 2021-present: Editorial board member, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience

- 2012-present: Editorial board member, Korean Journal of Veterinary Research - 2016-2017: Vice president, The Korean Society of Veterinary Science

Recent Main Scientific Publication

1. Weerasinghe-Mudiyanselage et al. 2024. Understanding the spectrum of non-motor symptoms in multiple sclerosis: insights from animal models. Neural Regen Res. 19: 84-91. (CA, IF=6.1 Neurosciences 15.3%)

2. Lee et al. 2023. Particulate matter exposure and neurodegenerative diseases: A comprehensive update on toxicity and mechanisms. Ecotoxicol Environ Safe. 266: 115565. (CA, IF=6.8, Toxicology 5.9%)

3. Weerasinghe-Mudiyanselage et al. 2023. Therapeutic Approaches to Non-motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease: A Current Update on Preclinical Evidence. Curr Neuropharmacol. 21: 560-577. (CA, IF=7.708, Pharmacology & Pharmacy 8.42%)

4. Hong et al. 2023. Retinal transcriptome profiling identifies novel candidate genes associated with visual impairment in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Anim Cells Syst. 27: 219-233. (CA, IF=2.9, Zoology 5.4%)

5. Seo et al. 2023. Toxicity of a 90-day repeated oral dose of a collagen peptide derived from skate (Raja kenojei) skin: a rat model study. Toxicol Res. 39: 383-398. (CA, IF=3.019, Toxicology 64.36%)

Research Interests

Neuroscience and Neurotoxicology:

My lab investigates the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying behavioral dysfunctions induced by various factors. The goal of my lab is to understand the function of various signal transduction pathways in the hippocampus and the relationship between hippocampal neurogenesis and the behavioral dysfunctions. We use molecular and cellular, histological, and behavioral approaches to identify the molecular components involved in memory formation, anxiety, depression, behavioral flexibility, and emotional stability. Some results from these efforts have led to developing animal models for the cognitive impairment and emotional dysregulation, which is frequently revealed in cancer patients.